Friday, November 1, 2013

IT Terms

AC = Alternating Current
AFC = Automatic Frequency Control
ALFOT = Air bone Light Optical Fiber Technology
ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit
AM = Amplitude Modulation
AMPS = Advanced Mobile Phone System
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM =Automatic Teller Machine
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
BCS = Bachelor of Civil Service
BIOS = Basic Input Output System
BSC = Bachelor Science
CAD =Computer Aided Design
CAM= Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAT = Computerize Axial Tomography
CATV = Community Antenna Television
CCTV = Close Circuit Television
CD = Compact Disk
CDMA= Code Deviation Multiple Access
COMSAT= Communication Satellite Corporation
CPU=Central Processing Unit
CSE = Computer Science & Engineering
DC =Direct Current
DCS = Digital Cellular Service
DIAC = Diode on Ac
DME = Distance Measuring Equipments
DNA=Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid
ECG = Electroencephalography
EEE = Electrical & Electronics Engineering
ETE = Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
EEPROM = Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EIA = Electronic Industries Association
EMG =Electromyography
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FDDI= Fiber Distributed Digital Interface
FDM = Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDMA = Frequency Division Multiple Access
FET = Field Effect Transistor
FIFO = First In First Out
FM = Frequency Modulation
FTP= File Transfer Protocol
GCS = Global Communication System
GPS = Global Positioning system
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
HD= High Definition
HRD= Human Resource Development
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP = Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IF = Intermediate Frequency
INTELAST = International Telecommunication Satellite
IP= Internet Protocol
IPS = Interruptible Power Supply
IRC= Internet Relay Chat
ISD = International Subscriber Dialing
ISO= International Standard Organization
ISP = Internet Service Provider
JPEG= Joint Photographic Expert Group
KB = Kilo byte
KBPS= Kilo byte per second
KG = Kilo Gram
LAN = Local Area Network
LASCR = Light Activated Silicon Control Rectifier
LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
LED= Light Emitting Diode
LIFO = Last In First Out
LNA = Low Noise Amplifier
MAN = Metropolitan Area Network
MASER =Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
MB = Mega Byte
MCT = Moss Control Thyristar
MODEM= Modulator demodulator
MOSFET = Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MPEG = Moving Photographic Expert Group
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NFS = Network File System
NWD = National Wide Dialing
OOP = Object Oriented Programming
OSI= Open System Interconnection
PAL = Phase Alternation Line
PC = Personal Computer
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
PCM= Pulse Code Modulation
PDC = Personal Digital Cellular
PID= Proportional, Derivative, Integral
PIN = Personal Identify Number
PLC = Programmable Logic Controller
PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
PUK= PIN Unblocking Key
PVC = Polyvinyl chloride
PWM = Pulse Width Modulation
QAM = Quartered Amplitude Modulation
RADAR = Radio Detection and Ranging
RAM= Random Access Memory
RF= Radio Frequency
ROM = Read Only Memory
RPM= Rotation per Minute
SCR = Silicon Control Rectifier
SDMA = Space Division Multiple Access
SIM= Subscriber Identify Module
SIT = Static Induction Transistor
SITH= Static Induction Thyristor
SMD = Surface Mounded Device
SMPS = Switching Mode Power Supply
SMS = Short Message Service
SMT= Surface Mounded Technology
SONET = Synchronous Optical Fiber Network
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access
TENS= Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation
TRIAC= Triode on Ac
TV= Tele Vision
UHF = Ultra High Frequency
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
URL = Universal Resource Locator
VCD = Video Compact Disk
VGA = Video Graphic Analyzer
VHF = Very High Frequency
VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol
VSAT = Very Small Aperture Terminals
WAN = Wide Area Network
WAP= Wireless Application Protocol
WiMAX = Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WWW= World Wide Web
XML = Extended Markup Language

You Should (Not) Date A Writer


Action verbs. He employs the use of action verbs when practicing his craft. Action verbs invoke the feeling of movement and importance. He was so used to passive verbs before. Outside the page, the world was passing him by. But now, on the page at least, he commands these words and creates a clear picture of exactly what he wants. When you walk to the table, he stands and smiles. He steps forward to pull the chair out as you sit down. He carefully places his fingers around the rim of his glass and meets your eyes before he drinks.

Writers use action words because they make it easier for you to picture yourself doing them.

Introspection. He writes, but he does not write for a living. People are rarely afforded the great luxury of relying on their truest talent for income, but he tells you that he writes. He calls himself a schoolteacher, but he tells you that he writes. Then he asks you, while he takes a coaster and places it under his cocktail, what a person truly is. He asks you if a person is who they say they are or what it isthey do.

Writers make you think because they want to stay with you long after they’ve left.

Metamorphosis. He shares titles but not details. He coolly laughs and tells you that his pieces are personal and that you will have to read them yourself. When you ask why strangers can read them but you cannot, he takes another sip from his cocktail and moves the coaster a bit closer to himself so he can lean back as he informs you that you are no longer a stranger.

Writers invoke change in their characters because they want you to believe that you — or they — can.

Skilled. His vocabulary is extremely eloquent and he boasts a better barroom disposition than you have experienced in the last — I don’t know how many years. The feeling that begins to flutter, flurry, and fly through your chest is unequivocal. He orders something unusual, like a Black Russian or a Tom Collins, and when you request a beer he says that surely a complex woman deserves a complex drink. You let the Cosmopolitan burn your throat.

Writers equip themselves with words for the same reason a knight fortifies his armor.

Characterization. When he offers his place to stay for the night he already knows how far you have to go to make it home, he already expects the excuse fumbled over your lips and when you think your feet fail you he puts his hand out and your fingers grip his palm. He smiles and in this smile you can see the weaknesses he spent the whole night hiding. You look into his eyes and see the compassion he really holds. He knew this is what would win you over and he knew this would be the point in the night you decided to sleep with him. When you slip your hand into his hand, your arm under his shoulders and your tongue into his mouth, he expected every moment.

He knows you because he wrote you. He created you. You are his.